Consolidation shipping

To use our service, you just need to register a account then ship your purchased packages to us using the assigned address.

We will follow your orders and ship the consolidated packages to you.

With 3 simple steps

Step 1. Sign Up

Register with us for free and get your personal address.

Step 2. Shopping

Shop at websites and use the address at check out.

We will send you an email notification once your package arrives at the warehouse.

-Please note-  

※Please refer to the Prohibited Goods to confirm whether the item can be sent overseas before shopping

Step 3. Apply shipping

You can apply for shipping after you login to your account to confirm that your package is correct.

After applying for shipping, the warehouse will pack your package.

The system will calculate all the fees and automatically pay after the package is packed by the warehouse. 

After confirming the payment, the package will be sent to your shipping address.

-Please note-  

※If the automatic payment fails after the package is packed, the system will send you an email to notify you to come back for payment.

※It is recommended that you add your credit card in advance or charge enough money to the wallet so that the system can automatically pay, and it can eliminate the complicated operation process and speed up the delivery of the package.

Packing service

When you apply for shipping, you can choose different packing options according to your needs.

1. Determined by warehouse(Fastest): Free (0 JPY)

2. Keep it untouched: 200 JPY

3. Enhanced packaging: 200 JPY

4. Change a new box: 1000 JPY

5. Remove shipping box(DANGER! NO COMPENSATION!): 200 JPY

Weighting Method

1. Volume Weight and Actual Weight which haverier

2. Volume Weight only

3. Actual Weight only

Measurement Method

1. If volume weight and actual weight not reaching a chargeable unit will also be rounded up to one chargeable unit.

2. If Long/Width/High not reaching a cm will also be rounded up to a cm.

3. Volume Weight(kg)=LongXWidthXHigh / 5000

4. uMeowl tolerance is plus or minus 0.5kg and plus or minus 1cm

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